401 Tech Bridge is conducting a Tech Scouting effort to identify vendors that have the expertise and technology to conduct fatigue testing for elastomeric samples under variable temperature and hydration conditions. Please reach out to Linda Larsen llarsen@401techbridge.org if you have any questions.
Evaluation of Technical Criteria
The evaluation criteria for this CTI is based on the proof-of-concept meeting the requirements specified in the tasking OR by demonstrating a subset of the requirements with a feasible plan to meet all requirements in a future proof-of-concept or prototype.
- Understand whether the faster, more cost effective test methods produce results that are as reliable as the traditional methods, and the degree to which vendors’ test methodology is proprietary.
- Identify vendors that have the expertise and technology to conduct time- and cost-efficient, but accurate, fatigue testing for elastomeric samples under variable temperature and hydration conditions (e.g. -2C, 20C, 35C, and dry with relative humidity (RH) of ~50%, or wet and saturated).
Samples of (2) candidate materials (Conathane TU-701, PLEI-TECH 95, and a proprietary vulcanized rubber that’s similar) will be provided as Government Furnished Equipment (GFE), for vendors to demonstrate their test methodology.
Initial market research by Code 45 has determined that current fatigue test methods for elastomers varies by company. Some have novel methods of taking a few sets of data and then extrapolating this data, with validated simulation software, to predict fatigue life at a large # of cycles (saving time and cost by eliminating weeks of fatigue testing). And others employ the traditional time-intensive/costly fatigue testing outlined in ASTM D7791.
Identify potential solutions and associated vendors that can address this need. Coordinate testing cost, timetable and logistics.