
WHAT: The 401 Tech Bridge Materials Innovation Challenge is a competitive program that offers advanced materials companies the opportunity to partner with University of Rhode Island Professors Arun Shukla, Sumanta Das, or Helio Matos — three of the most preeminent advanced materials researchers in the country — to complete funded projects. WHEN: The application period has now closed. Awarded projects will...

The 401 Tech Bridge Materials Innovation Challenge is a competitive program that offers advanced materials companies the opportunity to partner with the University of Rhode Island’s Arun Shukla, Sumanta Das, or Helio Matos — three of the most preeminent advanced materials professors and researchers in the country — to complete funded projects....

In the second session, the 401 Tech Bridge team will “unpack” a selection of recently released topics with technical points of contact in order to help businesses determine if they have the expertise to address it and want to submit a proposal. A question and answer period will provide companies with an opportunity to dive into the technical details....